Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Stirring, baking, peeling, sauteeing, and every other action done in the kitchen besides eating have never really been my style. I have never really had a yearning to season vegetables, braise meat or whip up a fabulous cake. Until now.

No one in my family, not even my wonderful mother, has ever really had a passion, if you will, for anything to do with food (besides consuming it). I have never been known to my friends or family as the one who cooks, bakes or even makes a pitcher of lemonade. When there's a potluck where everyone is supposed to bring a dish, I'm the one who shows up with the bag of chips and hopes no one will notice that I didn't spend hours slaving away in the kitchen over a casserole.

But while casually surfing the web for food blogs last night and simultaneously munching on candy as was the assignment (well not the candy part...), I found myself becoming more intrigued and addicted than I ever would have guessed. An hour and half and half a box of Jujy fruits later I discovered a new desire to hit the farmer's market, combine ingredients and preheat the oven. It's a unfamiliar and strange feeling, wanting to cook and/or bake, but hopefully, with the help of this class it'll stay.

But along with this new desire to cook, also came a curiosity  about every other aspect of food such as, where it comes from, what is in it (as is discussed in our assigned reading All Over Creation, by Ruth Ozeki) , how much is wasted and why, and other cultural facets involving food. 

I have many aspirations for this food blog, thus the obvious title, but mainly it'll be a place for me to document my experiences and learnings on this venture into unknown territory.

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